
New Compact 21 DZ sales !

Ladies and Gentlemen !

It is with great pleasure that we announce the order of a fully automatic MBE, Compact 21 DZ research system from the NanoMIR group of the University of Montpellier.

The system comprises two chambers configured for the MBE growth of antimonide containing compounds (III-Sb), and a third one for Remote Plasma assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition (RP-CVD) of SiGe. To optimize process control, the system will be equipped with Riber’s new EZCURVE® instrument, a metrology tool enabling real-time in-situ precision control and characterization of the MBE growth process. This multi-chamber system will be applied to the development of novel III-V infrared photonics materials deposited on silicon wafers and novel quantum structures, areas of strategic interest throughout Europe.

For more information, please click on the link below : https://www.riber.com/wp-content/findocs/2354-2021%2010%2004_%20RIBER_order%20Europe_E%20def.pdf

Publié le mercredi 6 octobre 2021 à 17h07

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