
Report on the Combined General Meeting from June 23, 2017

Bezons, June 26, 2017 – 6 pm – RIBER, a global market leader for semiconductor industry equipment, brought its shareholders together for its Combined Annual General Meeting, chaired by Didier Cornardeau, Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board.

Adoption of all the resolutions

Except for 23rd, 24th and 25th resolutions relating to authorizations to award shares to the Company’s employees and corporate officers, RIBER’s shareholders adopted the resolutions, which included:

  • Approval of the corporate and consolidated accounts for the year ended December 31, 2016.
  • Approval of a regulated agreements covered by Article L.225-86 of the French commercial code (Code de Commerce), arranged on April 12, 2017.
  • Renewal of the terms of office of Mr Didier Cornardeau and Mr Gérard Nicou as Supervisory Board members for a two-year period.
  • Appointment of Mrs Roseline Glaizal and Mr Guy Stievenart as independent members of the Supervisory Board for a two-year period.
  • The principles and criteria for determining, distributing and awarding the fixed, variable and exceptional elements from the overall pay package and the benefits of any kind awarded to the Management Board members and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, as well as the other Board members.
  • Authorization to implement a share buyback program.
  • Authorization to reduce the capital by cancelling treasury stock held by the Company.
  • Delegation of authority for the Management Board to increase the share capital through the incorporation of premiums, reserves and profits.

The fifth resolution presented to the General Meeting, concerning a regulated agreement arranged on June 22, 2016, could not be put to the vote, as the quorum required by law had not been reached.

Decisions from the Supervisory Board meeting following the General Meeting

Following the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board met and appointed Mr Didier Cornardeau’s position as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Mr Bernard Raboutet as Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board has decided to renew its confidence in the Executive Board and to renew the terms of office of its two members: Mr Guillaume de Bélair and Mr Michel Picault as Chairman of the Executive Board.

The Supervisory Board also redefined the composition of its committees. As a result, the Appointments and Compensation Committee is now made up of Mr Didier Cornardeau, Mr Bernard Raboutet, Mr Guy Stievenart and Mrs Christine Monier, its Chairman. The Audit Committee is now made up of Mrs Roseline Glaizal, Mr Jacques Kielwasser, Mr Gérard Nicou and Mrs Annie Geoffroy, its Chairman.

Biographies of the new Supervisory Board members

Mrs Roseline Glaizal (IEP Paris and chartered accountant-auditor), 64, spent the bulk of her career with KPMG before setting up her own company in 2015.

Mr Guy Stievenart (ESSEC, University of Massachusetts, chartered accountant-auditor), 71, is a director of various companies and associations, and a managing partner of Stievenart & Associés.

The company would like to thank the shareholders who took part in this General Meeting. The quorum conditions and detailed voting results will be available shortly on the French version
of the company’s website at: www.riber.com / Investisseurs / Informations réglementées / Assemblées Générales.

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2017 - 18:00 pm

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