
Combined General Meeting on June 27, 2019

  • Cash payouts released for payment on July 11 and September 12
  • Terms of office renewed and new Supervisory Board member appointed

Bezons, June 28, 2019 – 8am – RIBER, a global market leader for semiconductor industry equipment, brought its shareholders together for its Combined Annual General Meeting today, chaired by Mr Didier Cornardeau, Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board.

Approval of the full-year accounts for 2018

The General Meeting approved the corporate and consolidated financial statements for 2018.

Two payouts drawn against the “issue premium” account

The General Meeting approved the appropriation of earnings for 2018 and the two payouts drawn against the “issue premium” account:

  • The first payout of €0.03 per share will have an ex-date of July 9, 2019 and will be released for payment on July 11.
  • The second payout of €0.02 per share will have an ex-date of September 10, 2019 and will be released for payment on September 12.

Changes to the composition of the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting renewed the term of office of Mr Didier Cornardeau and appointed Mr Nicolas Grandjean as a member of the Supervisory Board for two years. Considering his outstanding knowledge of the Company’s business lines and stakes, the Supervisory Board believes that Mr Nicolas Grandjean’s appointment will make it possible to further strengthen the development strategy launched by the Management Board.

Ms Roseline Glaizal and Mr Guy Stievenart, whose terms of office as Supervisory Board members were due to expire, did not wish to be reappointed, allowing them to focus on new responsibilities. The resolution concerning Mr Gérard Nicou’s reappointment was rejected.

The Supervisory Board now has five members, including two women. 80% of the members are independent.

Other resolutions

RIBER’s shareholders adopted the other resolutions, which included:

  • The Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements and commitments;
  • The components of the overall compensation package paid or awarded for 2018 to the Management Board members and Supervisory Board Chairman;
  • The principles and criteria for determining, distributing and awarding the fixed, variable and exceptional elements from the overall compensation package and the benefits of any kind awarded to the Management Board members and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, as well as the other Board members;
  • The authorization for the Management Board to carry out transactions on the Company’s shares;
  • The authorization for the Management Board to reduce the capital by canceling treasury stock held by the Company;
  • The delegation of authority for the Management Board to increase the share capital through the incorporation of premiums, reserves and profits;
  • The amendments to the articles of association relating to the functioning of the Management and Supervisory Boards, as well as changes to update and ensure the consistency of the Company’s articles of association.

Supervisory Board’s decisions following the General Meeting

Following the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board met and renewed Mr Didier Cornardeau’s term of office as Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board, as well as Mr Bernard Raboutet as Vice-chairman of Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board redefined the composition of its committees. The Appointments and Compensation Committee now comprises Mr Bernard Raboutet and Ms Christine Monier, its Chairwoman. The Audit Committee now comprises Mr Didier Cornardeau, Mr Nicolas Grandjean and Ms Annie Geoffroy, its Chairwoman.

The Supervisory Board reaffirmed its confidence and trust in the Management Board and decided to appoint, with effect from today:

  • Mr Philippe Ley as Chairman of the Management Board, following on from Mr Michel Picault, who will continue to be a member of the Company’s Management Board, and
  • Mr Laurent Pollet, the Company’s current Chief Financial Officer, as the Management Board member.

The Company would like to thank the shareholders who took part in this General Meeting. The quorum conditions and detailed voting results will be available shortly on the French version of the Company’s website at: www.riber.com / Investisseurs / Informations réglementées / Assemblées Générales.

Biography of the new Supervisory Board member

Mr Nicolas Grandjean, 52, is a physics professor and leads the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL).

Nicolas Grandjean completed his PhD in physics at Nice-Sophia Antipolis University in 1994. From 1995 to 2003, he was a research manager with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), focused on the physical properties of III-N semiconductor-based nanostructures. He was appointed as an assistant professor at the EPFL in 2004, then became a tenured professor in 2009. Today, he heads up the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics. He is a Sandoz Family Foundation Program for Academic Promotion Laureate and received the Nakamura Lecturer Award from University of California, Santa Barbara. Today, his research activities are focused on GaN-based semiconductor technology and physics for optoelectronic and electronic applications.

Biography of the new Management Board member

Mr Laurent Pollet, 58, has spent the bulk of his career in industry.
After starting out with Thomson CGR in 1985, he was an industrial management controller for subsidiaries of UK and US groups between 1988 and 1996, notably putting in place an activity-based management control system for Rockwell Automotive.

From 1996 to 2015, he served as finance director for SMEs operating on international markets (Edrasco, Vanderlande Industries, Quinoa Group then Conesys), often against a backdrop of economic and financial restructuring environments.

Laurent Pollet was previously Chief Financial Officer of Cybergun, a retail group listed on Euronext Growth, with 15 subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and the US.

He has been RIBER’s Chief Financial Officer since January 2, 2019.

Laurent Pollet is an Institut Supérieur de Gestion graduate.

Posted on Friday, June 28, 2019 - 08:00 am

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