
2023 first-half revenues

• Half-year revenues up +32% to €12.2m from the first half of 2022
• Growth in systems revenues: +192%
• Order book at end-June 2023 at a high level: €30.5m

Bezons, July 28, 2023 – 8:00am – RIBER, the global leader for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) equipment serving the semiconductor industry, is reporting its revenues for the first half of 2023.

Business developments

At June 30 (€m) 2023 2022 Change
Systems 8.5 2.9 +192%
Services and accessories 3.6 6.3 -42%
Total reported revenues 12.2 9.2 +32%

2023 first-half revenues came to €12.2m, up +32% from the previous year.

Systems revenues totaled €8.5m, up +192% from the previous year. This growth reflects the delivery of 4 machines compared with 1 machine in the first half of 2022.

Revenues for services and accessories came to €3.6m, down – 42% from the previous year.

The breakdown of RIBER’s half-year revenues at June 30, 2023 was as follows: 26% for Europe, 62% for Asia and 12% for North America.

Order book developments

At June 30 (€m) 2023 2022 Change
Systems 23.7 23.0 +3%
Services and accessories 6.7 7.6 -11%
Total order book 30.5 30.6

The order book at June 30, 2023 came to €30.5m, stable versus June 30, 2022.

The systems order book is up +3% to €23.7m, based on 9 machines, including 4 production machines.

The services and accessories order book is down -11% to €6.7m.


RIBER’s outlook for 2023 remains unchanged in view of the order backlog, with a high rate of machines deliverable by the end of the year.

In a buoyant semiconductor market, the Company will also take new orders in the second half of the year.

First-half earnings will be published on September 29, 2023 before start of trading.

Posted on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 08:00 am

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