

RIBER has been a public limited company with a Board of Directors since 19 June 2024. The Company complies with the MiddleNext Corporate Governance Code for listed companies.

Board of directors

Board members are appointed for a three-year term, until the end of the ordinary general meeting in 2027 that will deliberate on the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2026. The Board is currently composed of the following members:

  • Annie GEOFFROY, Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer
  • Sylviane TROADEC *
  • Nicolas GRANDJEAN *
  • Didier CORNARDEAU *
  • Alexandre JEVAKHOFF *
  • Pierre-Yves KIELWASSER
  • Bernard RABOUTET


Riber accounts are certified by two financial statement auditors:

  • KPMG
  • RSM Paris

* Independent member

16/06/2022Réglement intérieur du Conseil de Surveillance et des ses comités

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