
Revenues at end-September 2023 up +33% to €16.2m

• Strong growth in systems revenues: +159%
• Order book at end-September 2023l: €33.6m

Bezons, October 30, 2023 – 8:00am – RIBER, the global leader for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) equipment serving the semiconductor industry, is reporting its revenues for the year to end-September 2023.

Change in revenues

€m 2023 2022 Change
First quarter 3.7 2.4 +54%
Second quarter 8.5 6.8 +25%
Third quarter 4.0 3.0 +34%
Total 9-month revenues 16.2 12.2 +33%


At September 30 (€m) 2023 2022 Change
Systems 9.6 3.7 +159%
Services and accessories 6.6 8.5 -22%
Total 9-month revenues 16.2 12.2 +33%

Revenues at September 30, 2023 totaled to €16.2m, up +33% from September 30, 2022, driven by RIBER’s strengthened market position in MBE systems for production.

Systems revenues came to €9.6m, up +159% due to the delivery of 5 machines, compared with 2 machines in the first nine months of 2022.

Revenues for services and accessories totaled €6.6m, down -22% from the previous year.

The breakdown of revenues at end-September 2023 was as follows: 57% for Asia, 24% for Europe and 19% for North America.

Order book developments

At September 30 (€m) 2023 2022 Change
Systems 27.6 31.4 -12%
Services and accessories 6.1 7.7 -21%
Total order book 33.6 39.1 -14%

The order book at September 30, 2023 came to €33.6m, down -14% compared with a high basis of comparison in 2022.

The systems order book is down -12% to €27.6m, based on 10 machines, including 6 production machines.

The services and accessories order book is down -21% to €6.1m.


Based on the fourth-quarter delivery schedule, RIBER should record full-year revenues of around €40m in 2023.

Despite a complex economic and geopolitical context, new orders should continue to be booked before the end of the year thanks to a strong prospect pipeline.

Next date: 2023 full-year revenues will be released on Friday January 26, 2024 (before start of trading).

Posted on Monday, October 30, 2023 - 08:00 am

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