Report on the Combined General Meeting and on the Supervisory Board from June 21, 2022
Bezons, June 21, 2022 – 6pm – RIBER, a global market leader for molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) equipment serving the semiconductor industry, brought its shareholders together for its Combined Annual General Meeting today, chaired by Ms. Annie Geoffroy, Chairwoman of the Company’s Supervisory Board.
Approval of the full-year accounts for 2021
The General Meeting approved the corporate and consolidated financial statements for 2021.
Cash payout released for payment on July 4
The General Meeting approved the appropriation of earnings for 2021 and a payout drawn against the “issue premium” account for 0.05 euros per share: The ex-dividend date will be June 30, 2022, followed by payment on July 4, 2022.
Terms of office renewed, and new Supervisory Board member appointed
The General Meeting renewed the terms of Ms. Annie Geoffroy and Christine Monier, and Messrs. Pierre-Yves Kielwasser and Bernard Raboutet.
The General Meeting also appointed Mr. Jean-Christophe Eloy as a new member of the Supervisory Board. His rich experience in the semiconductor industry and his perfect knowledge of business issues will enrich the skills of the Supervisory Board and strengthen the Company’s development strategy.
The Supervisory Board now has seven members, including two women. 71% of the members are independent.
Other resolutions
RIBER’s shareholders adopted the other resolutions, which included:
• The statutory auditors’ special report on regulated commitments,
• The total annual compensation for the Supervisory Board members for the 2021 fiscal year,
• The authorization for the Executive Board to carry out transactions on the Company’s shares,
• The authorization for the Executive Board to reduce the capital by canceling treasury stock held by the Company,
Supervisory Board’s decisions
Following the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board met, renewed Ms. Annie Geoffroy’s term of office as Chairman of the Company’s Supervisory Board and confirmed Mr. Nicolas Grandjean’s term of office as Vice-Chairman.
The Supervisory Board defined the composition of its committees. From now on:
• The Audit Committee comprises Ms. Annie Geoffroy, Mr. Nicolas Grandjean, Mr. Pierre-Yves Kielwasser and Mr. Didier Cornardeau, its Chairman.
• The Appointments and Compensation Committee comprises Mr. Bernard Raboutet, Mr. Jean-Christophe Eloy and Ms. Christine Monier, its Chairwoman.
• The CSR Committee comprises Mr. Bernard Raboutet, Mr. Jean-Christophe Eloy and Ms. Christine Monier, its Chairwoman.
The Supervisory Board took note of the expiration of the terms of office of the members of the Executive Board and thanked them, including Its Chairman Mr. Philippe Ley, for their commitments over the past few years, as well as for the results achieved in the company’s development.
Renewal of the Executive Board
In accordance with the Company’s statutory provisions, the Supervisory Board appointed a new Company’s Executive Board made up of two members, in the person of Mr. Michel Picault and Mr. Emmanuel Routier, for a term of five years from this date.
Mr. Michel Picault was also appointed Chairman of the Executive Board for a term of one year. His deep knowledge of the company, its strategy, its clients and partners is a source of opportunities to prepare for 2023 and initiate a new phase of development for the Company.
At the same time, the Supervisory Board has initiated a selection process for new candidates, in order to strengthen and diversify the staff of the Executive Board.
Biography of the new Supervisory Board member
Jean-Christophe Eloy, 56 years old, started his career at CEA-Leti and then created the semiconductor business at Ernst & Young. He is today President and CEO of Yole Group, the market research & strategy consulting company created in 1998. Yole Group has since grown to become a group of companies offering specific support to semiconductor companies.
Jean-Christophe Eloy is an emlyon business school graduate and is an engineer from INPG (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble).
Biography of the new Executive Board member
Michel Picault, 68 years old, after having been a researcher in a state agency, then a development engineer in a Telecom company, joined RIBER in 1983. Until 1997, he held various positions (technical, marketing/sales, production…) in the US and France. In 1997, he took over RIBER with a group of investors, and became Chairman of the Executive Board, a position he held until 2008, then from 2016 to 2019, while being an Executive Board member until 2020. Since 2014, he runs a consulting company for SMEs, and is involved in the financing of start-ups that he supports.
Michel Picault is a graduate of INSA Lyon – National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon.
The Company would like to thank the shareholders who took part in this General Meeting. The quorum conditions and detailed voting results will be available soon on the French version of the Company’s website (
Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - 18:00 pm